Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Sewers, and the return of the Worm Man

Today I saw something terrifying in the Louvre.

And now that I've hooked you with that, I'm going to delay my explanation until after this brief tour of the Paris sewers.

Today was sewer day, the long-awaited field trip that would allow us to imitate our favorite literary escape artist, Les Miserables convict-on-the-run Jean Valjean.


This very nice sewer man gave us a tour of the tunnels in French, which was kind of hard for me to understand since he used a lot of technical terms about water and waste management. Luckily there were signs in English that I could read and pretend I had understood just from listening. Behind him is a dummy of a sewer employee demonstrating some maintenance work, and if you look closer you will realize...


That he is HARRY POTTER.


I love dioramas. These rats live in the sewer, but the tour guide told us that the workers don't kill them because they actually eat enough garbage to be a help rather than a hindrance.


Don't fall in.


It didn't actually smell as bad as I thought it would. Unfortunately you can no longer do boat rides through the tunnels, as was the fashion in the Victorian era.


Elizabeth kept that scarf over her nose for most of the visit.


We're standing on top of the sewer! As Molly pointed out, it pretty much looks like the Seine. I didn't even see any chunks, which was disappointing. Elizabeth said she saw a turd float by but the rest of us were doubtful.

After the sewer visit I went to the Louvre to find a painting to use as the topic of my final presentation next week in Susan's Painting Women in France class. On the way I saw some interesting things.


Like this skull eating a ferret.


And The Last Supper! Which for some reason has had a giant turquoise ball placed right in front of it, which is as distracting as the worm man in the Marie de Medici cycle room.

Speaking of our friend the worm man, I walked through that gallery on my way out, and as I got closer I noticed something new and horrifying about him-- he was ALIVE.

Ok so not really alive, but he was breathing. And panting, and gasping. And then to my horror he actually started TALKING in the most gravelly and menacing voice I've ever heard. I stopped dead in my tracks and stared in amazement and repulsion. And then I realized that the new camera I bought yesterday can take videos, so now you can see for yourself!

I have no idea what he's saying, but I'm pretty sure it's nothing uplifting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Worm Man reminds me of Nagini and Voldemort combined into one serpentine being.


That must be why you saw Harry Potter in the sewers.

It's all coming together now. J.K. Rowling, you tricky woman, you. You told us the story was over!